Expulsio – Wohin?
EXPULSIO – Quo vadis?
Inspired by Dante Alighieri’s “Divina Commedia”, Enrico Scotta takes us through Paradise and Hell in his exhibition – EXPULSIO - Quo vadis? Unlike Dante, who is led by Virgil through Hell, Purgatory and, finally, towards Paradise, the visitor to the exhibition enters Paradise first from which he expels himself to encounter the horrors of Hell. Scotta stages his imaginary Paradise like a mythical, timeless, idyllic cosmos. There, all the works on show depict femininity, the original numinous creative force. The Hell the artist leads us into is a World out of joint. In this Hell, Scotta has condensed the extent of the World’s destruction and translated it into works of art. The technique of juxtaposing Paradise and the Inferno is intended to provoke a reflection on the World we have created. In the end, there is the ever-present question: Quo vadis?