Curriculum Vitae
1949 Born in Perugia (Italy)
1964 – 69 Degree Study at Accademia di Belle Arti studies:
drawing, ceramics, painting
1978 – 80 Study of restoration of paintings
1983 – 87 Residence in Germany (Bochum, Cologne)
1987 – 91 Residence in Brazil (São Paulo)
1991 – 93 Residence in Italy (Perugia)
since 1994 Residence in Germany (Dresden, Radebeul)
Field Studies in Situ
1983 Netherlands/Amsterdam (project: “Ronda di Notte” – Omaggio a Rembrandt)
1988/89 Mexico (project: „in tonatiuh macehualtin in ayauhyotl macehualli“)
1989 Peru, Bolivia (studies of Inca art/culture)
1990 Argentina (archeological studies)
Solo Exhibitions
1973 Corciano, Palazzo Comunale
1974 Perugia, Palazzo Comunale Perugia, “Galleria La Luna”
1975 Perugia, Sala S. Severo Gubbio, Sala della Caterina Città di Castello, Palazzo Comunale
Spoleto, Festival Due Mondi Perugia, “Galleria Explorer”
1976 Perugia, “Galleria Explorer” Verona, “Galleria Nuova Scaligera”
1977 Perugia, Sala S. Severo
1979 Perugia, Sala S. Severo
1980 Perugia, “Galleria „Cecchini” Roma, Ergrife Palace Hotel
1981 Alviano (Terni), Castello di Alviano
1982 Perugia, Sala Grifo e Leone
1983 Bochum, “Galerie Köhne” Bochum, “Galerie K.S. Nautic”
1984 Wuppertal, “Galerie D. Schmith“ Bochum, “Galerie Köhne“
1984 Groningen, Martinikerk Honoured guest of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
during the Italian Cultural Weeks
1986/87 Cologne, ”Galerie Inter Art Galerie Reich”
1988 São Paulo, “Espaco D’Artefacto”
1989 São Paulo, “Espaco D’Artefacto”
1991 Bochum, “Galerie Sundermann“ Stuttgart, “Galerie Am Jakobsbrunnen”
Participation in the Art Fair in Cologne (“Art Köln“)
1994 Dresden, Hilton Dresden, “Werbehaus Dresden“
1995 Dresden, Verkehrsmuseum
1995 Dresden, The Dresden Fair “Dresden 2000, Projekte und Visionen“
1995 Potsdam, The Pavilon – Freundschaftsinsel
1995 Weimar, The Orangery, Belvedere Castle
1995 Osnabrück, Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
1996 Dresden, Sächsischer Landtag (Saxon Parliament) Celle, Congress Union
Leipzig, The Leipzig Fair „denkmal’96“
1997 Berlin, Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ
1998 – 02 Project “Villa Fenice“
2003 – 06 Radebeul, “Art Gallery La Fenice“ (rolling series of exhibitions)
2007 Dresden, BSTU (under the patronage of the Saxon Minster of Education and Arts
2009 - 2013 Project: “L’universo è rotondo” Radebeul, “Art Gallery La Fenice“
(rolling series of exhibitions)
2013 Gelsenkirchen, Galerie Idelmann
2014 – 2019 Radebeul “Art Gallery La Fenice” (rolling series of exhibitions)
2020 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
Collective Exhibitions
2001 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
2002 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
2008 Miami, World Erotic Art Museum
2007 Berlin, Museum of Erotic Arts
2008 Stralsund, Museum of Art History (Kunsthistorisches Museum)
2018 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
2018 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
2019 Radebeul, City Gallery (Stadtgalerie)
Museums and Collections | Public Art Collections
Perugia, “Comune di Perugia“
Terni, “Comune di Guardea”
Perugia, “Regione dell’Umbria”
Città di Castello, ”Azienda Turismo”
Perugia, ”Cassa di Risparmio”
Groningen, ”Provincie Groningen”
São Paulo, ”Embaixada Mexicana”
Radebeul, ”Karl-May-Museum”
Osnabrück, “Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt”
Private Art Collections
Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France, Great Britain,
The Netherlands, Greece, USA, Brazil, Mexico
1981 TV: Eventi Culturali di Perugia
1988 TV Cultura “Metropolis”, TV Bandeirantes “Jornal São Paulo”
(Exhibition “Espaco D’Artefacto“, São Paulo)
1992 TV SDR „Kultursendung BIS“ (Exhibition „Am Jacobsbrunnen“, Stuttgart)
1995 TV- ZDF (Project “Frauenkirche“)
1995 TV- MDR (Project “Frauenkirche“)
1996 ZDF, MDR, Dresdner Drehscheibe (Project “Frauenkirche“, Sächsischer Landtag)
MDR, The Leipzig Fair “denkmal ‚96‘”
2020 3sat “Kulturzeit” (Exhibition City Gallery, Radebeul)
1982/83 Libro Vincitori Premio Nazionale Manciano
1983/84 Enciclopedia Artisti Umbri, “Editrice Sigla 3”
1993 Art catalogue Enrico Scotta “Ilhuicatl Meztli”
1996 Art catalogue Enrico Scotta “Sand-Stein- Kirche”
2000 Fachbeiträge Künstlerverzeichnis, Radebeul
2008 The World’s Greatest Erotic Art of Today, Miami
2013 Art catalogue Enrico Scotta “Das Universum ist rund”
2014 Art catalogue Enrico Scotta “Ilhuicatl Meztli” (latest edition)
2015 Dresdner Künstler im Blick
2018 Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Press (Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Brazil)
1980/81 S. Mariano, 1° award
1981 Alviano, 1° award
1984 Groningen, Award by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
1988/89 São Paulo, twice Brazilian “Artist of the Year” (Trofeo „Super Cap Ouro”)
Miami, Winner of “The World’s Greatest Erotic Art of Today”